5 Tips For Making Your Break Room More Useful

July 28, 2016

DStudios ResMed Break Room Design

Mary Ford is one of our newest designers. She began her career in Design as an intern at ID Studios. After five years away, Mary has now joined us as a full time Designer. Originally from Wisconsin, she graduated from the University of Minnesota Twin Cities in 2013 and is excited to permanently locate to San Diego with her one-year-old English Bulldog, Dexter. For this Designer Forum she would like to share with you:

5 Tips for Making your Break Room More Useful

Design is what I am passionate about and a major facet of design is functionality. The most successful designs are the ones that enhance the life of the end user by making things function more efficiently and maximizing the potential of the space. Break rooms are so important for our clients and their employees. A well planned break room will be used so much more than one that is just there for the sake of having a break room.

1. Make sure everything has a specific place to go and is organized so that the people using the break room can easily access everyday items.


2. Listen to your employee’s needs. It seems obvious but the key to making a break room more usable is to make sure people want to use it! Think coffee… water… snacks… etc.


3. Make sure there is enough space for a seating! Whether that means lounge seating, bar stools, dining tables.


4. Trash and Recycling! Making trash and recycling containers easily accessible and built into the cabinets not only gives a cleaner look but also allows for more floor space in the break room.

4. Use the correct size and quantity of appliances. One or two coffee machines? Under counter refrigerator drawers or a full sized refrigerator? These answers will depend on your employees and their needs.

DStudios ResMed Break Room Design