The Best Thing About My Job as a Designer at ID Studios

February 29, 2016

Treats, photo by Bethany Newman

Maegen Curry has brought her fresh perspectives to projects since joining us in 2014. We’re excited to hear what she has to say about being a part of ID Studios.

Writing about the best part of my job was an impossible task; there are too many “bests” to choose from. But I am a creative professional who never shies away from an impossible task, so I’ve decided instead to break the rules and chose the five best things about my job. So here are the five reasons I work all day, and sometimes even stay a little late…

1. I’m creative every day…

Being Creative, photo by William Iven

Well, maybe not every single day, not going to lie, drawing ceiling details can be a little dry, but the days we get to use our Creative Process far outnumber those that don’t. Our clients come to us to deliver imaginative solutions and we love it.

2. I love the people I work with…

Desk Decorated for a birthday Everyone dressed up for a birthday

I work with the best people! See I even added an exclamation point there to show how serious I am. I don’t think I could find another group of people this fun and hilarious. A group that will go way over the top celebrating your birthday and then a few months later get loud and fight you for children’s toys at the holiday gift exchange. And they don’t even judge you when you sneak your 5th treat from the break room. Now that is true friendship..

3. Our clients are awesome…

Entropic GameroomDesign by ID Studios Lytx Breakroom Design by ID Studios

Meeting clients and working with them through the entire process is a favorite part of my job. We meet with management teams that are focused on making their employees happy with new and redesigned office spaces. We have so much fun working with them to come up with inspiring and fun ideas to create amazing work spaces… frozen yogurt machine in your office, why not; a gaming room with a pool table and foosball, we can design that.

Through the course of a project we end up spending hours and hours with our clients. Soon we know each other’s kids names and what they do on the weekends. When the project is done I get a little sad that we don’t get to visit them each week to catch-up.

4. I can call myself a superhero…

Designers are sometimes-superheros

As a designer, we get to save the day every once in a while. Now and then a challenge comes up on a project, this is very rare of course, but the contractor turns to you to solve it. After a quick collab. session over coffee and donuts, the light bulb goes on, you have a solution! You return the RFI with your groundbreaking resolution and pat yourself on the back, knowing the project can go on as planned because you have saved the day.

5. The treats….

Treats, photo by Padurariu Alexandru  Treats, photo by Bethany Newman

Have I mentioned we love treats? Here is the much abbreviated version of what we do as interior designers: We meet our clients, outline their design needs, come up with super rad design elements, finishes, and furniture and then wrap it up in a perfect package, complete with drawings. But this whole process wouldn’t be possible without product to choose from and it’s the people who represent those products that keep us informed on what’s new. Carpet reps, furniture reps, lighting reps, etc. And every time they introduce a new product, treats magically appear… Bundt cakes, chocolate, Starbucks, muffins, even charcuterie… it is the BEST. It also explains why my coworkers and I love working out together, and why my son loves visiting me at work. When he visits, the first thing he says is, “Mommy, you got treats for me?” I’m pretty sure I’m teaching him early that it’s good to be a designer.