Megan Skaalen has been expressing her creative talent since joining ID Studios in 2011. Her magical mix of exciting, creative and valuable ideas brings a fresh perspective to every project she’s involved with. Take a look at what she has to say about “The Road to Inspiration” in our Designer Forum Series:
The Road To Inspiration
Sometimes the lanes between inspiration, motivation and creativity seem to merge… As an interior designer it is my job and privilege to design, solve and think creatively every day, rain or shine. I have recognized that if I approach my road to inspiration the same way I do driving, although I may be rerouted, I will find what I’m looking for.
Are we there yet?
Destination. If you don’t know where you are going, how will you know when you get there?
- How: Set daily goals/tasks and follow up.
Fill YOUR tank.
You can’t get anywhere on empty.
- How: Play, browse, create and explore. Adult coloring books, swing at the park, handstands in the pool. Yes please!
Always a Student Driver
Keep learning
- How: Read. One is never too old for story time. Fiction and nonfiction both feed the mind and activate your imagination. If there is no time to read, listen to audiobooks and/or podcasts during your commute.
- How: Surround yourself with people who challenge you and make the commute on this journey memorable, challenging and fulfilling. (read: How To Build A Creative Team)
Proper care and upkeep help limit the number of breakdowns.
- How: Sweat! Not only does doing right by your body help maintain health, but it boosts energy and mood.
Mementos and tokens of your journey.
- How: Technology is a friend. Organize and have easy access to treasured photographs, inspiring posts, design ideas, music, beauty, your story.
- Websites like Pinterest can help you keep it all organized.
Get out of your comfort zone!
- How: Leap and the net will appear. There is magic out there.
Sites On My Journey