Life Science Market Segment Update

June 29, 2021

Neurelis, Design by ID Studios, Photo by Pink Media

Last October we announced an alliance between ID Studios and ORANGEWALLstudios. This partnership was formed specifically in response to the increased demand for highly qualified lab planning and cutting-edge workplace design services in the Life Science sector. As soon as we made the announcement, life science project coordinators recognized the potential. We were quickly able to make connections and start work on projects up and down the west coast.

To date, we have seven active life science/lab projects including two with Ligand Pharmaceuticals. These projects include scopes such as core and shell upgrades, lab planning, space planning, and TI projects.

Neurelis, Design by ID Studios, Photo by Pink Media
Neurelis “…founded to license, develop, and commercialize product candidates for the broader central nervous system (CNS), including epilepsy and psychiatry.”

We’d love to partner with you on your upcoming life science and/or lab project and show you how the alliance between ID Studios and ORANGEWALLstudios can be of benefit to you. See more of our completed life science projects HERE and Contact Us to get started!