IIDA San Diego Haute Couture Fashion Show 2014

ID Studios Entry for the IIDA Fashion Show 2014

The IIDA Haute Couture Fashion Show pays tribute to the many talents of our design community where San Diego’s esteemed design professionals strut their stuff down the runway outfitted in amazing garb constructed using only the materials provided to them by their sponsor and the fabric they collect at the Fabric Grab.

Georges Seurat - A Sunday on La Grande Jatte
Georges Seurat – A Sunday on La Grande Jatte

This year was a marriage of Design, Fashion and Art as design teams were challenged to create an outfit inspired by one of the world’s most popular paintings.

At ID Studios, we were tasked with drawing inspiration from the work of Georges Seurat, “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte,” a scene taken from the River Seine in France completed in 1884. We were immediately drawn to the figure of the woman in the bustle dress and wanted to create a modern take on this peek into 19th century Parisian society.

Seurat employed a technique called Pointillism by using small brushstrokes to create a unique look distinguished from the Impressionists of his time. We merged this inspiration with a 19th century French contemporary, Moulin Rouge. We lifted the bustle dress from the Seine, modernized the silhouette and gave it a cabaret edge by creating a fringe technique to create additional movement when the model graces the stage. Pointillism was a direct inspiration for the small pieces of yarn, tile and fabric which we layered in complimentary colors giving it a modern ombre’ look.

IIDA San Diego Haute Couture Fashion Show 2014  construction
Constructing the dress

Part of the challenge is doing 100% of the construction in house. Luckily we have many talented employees that all lent a hand in putting it together. The results were stunning.

A Sunday in Solana Beach

Our design was created with the following materials:

ID Studios Entry for the IIDA Fashion Show 2014
ID Studios Entry for the IIDA Fashion Show 2014

– Top and shorts made from fabric from the fabric grab and decorated with tile from DalTile.
– Bustle and train created with secondary carpet backing by Mohawk
– Ombre fringe topping the train made with carpet yarn poms (samples) by Mohawk
– Inner rainbow train lining made with fabric from the fabric grab
– Belt and earrings mirror tile by DalTile
– Cuff made with crushed tile by DalTile
– Parasol handle is a grout stirrer by DalTile
– Parasol top made with metal tile lath by DalTile

Need inspiration for your next interior design project? Visit us at www.idstudiosinc.com