ID Studios response to COVID-19

April 1, 2020

To all of our valued Clients and Colleagues, as we navigate through the ever-changing circumstances related to COVID-19 we, at ID Studios are continuing to focus on your project needs. As a response to COVID-19, most of us are working remotely, and we have put measures in place to allow all of our staff to conduct business “as usual”. Barring any new developments, we are prepared to fulfill our project responsibilities while maintaining a healthy work environment. Although we may be working differently for the next few weeks and beyond, our team is fully committed to providing the same high level of professional service that our clients have grown accustomed to.

As of March 16, 2020, please be aware of the following:

Work from Home

ID Studios is allowing all employees to work-from-home as needed for the next several weeks. We are constantly monitoring information provided by the CDC and World Health Organization to actively assess the threat to our employees and customers. We stand ready to move to longer-term work-from-home operations in order to minimize community spread and continue business as usual.

Closed Office Visitation

Please avoid visits to ID Studios offices, except for small in-person meetings that are deemed necessary for the continuation of business operations. We ask this with the goal of limiting person-to-person exposure. We are relying on technology such as Zoom and Microsoft Office Teams to conduct meetings and maintain collaboration across our remote employees, clients, and partners.


We are postponing our CREATE event, previously scheduled for May 13. New details will follow.

We are reminded in challenging times that generations of families have come before us to face times like this and more. Our lineage, our training, our practice, and our hard work have all prepared us for this. We have the best clients and colleagues and we will get through this together!

Take the helm.
Help others.
Give confidence.
Share support.
Offer kindness.
Employ empathy.
Be generous with your heart.
Tap the wisdom of your experience.

And, take care of yourself in the meantime.

From the Design Team at ID Studios.